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Rapid 3D prototyping now offered at Drake

Cypress, Tex., May 2013 – Drake Plastics Ltd. Co. is now capable of producing quality prototypes using 3D printing technology. Drake adds this service to assist Torlon and PEEK customers’ new part development activities. This capability speeds up the process from idea to part and is a natural extension of Drake’s lean approach to business. Steve Quance, Drake’s founder adds, “3D Modeling and Additive Manufacturing in general are emerging process technologies which technical leaders like Drake must embrace.” Rapid Prototyping enables Drake to enter the part development process one step earlier, eliminating wasteful iterations of machined prototypes and/or injection mold ...
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Drake develops 6″ diameter rod

Drake Plastics now extrudes 6″ (152.4mm) diameter Torlon 4203 rod, extending its wide range of Torlon machinable shapes. This rod enables Torlon to be used for additional critical applications including thermal isolators, electrical insulators, valve seats, wheels, baffles and gears. The larger diameter improves yield, reducing the cost to produce parts. CYPRESS, Tex., October 18, 2011— Drake Plastics Ltd. Co. now extrudes 6” (152.4mm) diameter Torlon 4203 rod, extending its wide range of Torlon machinable shapes. In early 2011, Drake’s technology team undertook this challenge after receiving inquiries from potential customers. Drake’s 6” diameter rod is the largest extruded Torlon ...
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Drake manufactures 30% carbon fiber reinfored PEEK Rod for transducer housings

Drake Plastics Ltd. Co. provided 30% carbon fiber reinforced PEEK rod to Britek SA, Inc. in San Antonio, TX for ultrasound transducer housings. The 2-inch diameter rod made of Solvay’s KetaSpire® 820CF30 PEEK was manufactured at our Drake Research Ltd. facility in San Antonio, TX. View Press Release  
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Drake plastics awarded Seamless Tube® trademark

Drake Plastic Products Inc. has recently been awarded Trademark Registration 3,188,378 for Seamless Tube® by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Drake Plastics is a specialty processor and technical marketer of advanced polymers. The newly awarded Trademark is the ideal description of this unique capability in plastic processing. Seamless Tube® technology was developed and commercialized by Drake Plastics to expand the capability of Torlon PAI beyond rod. This has enabled a multitude of new applications in aerospace and other industries. As the name implies, Seamless Tube has no seam, or weld line. It exhibits uniform flow through the cross ...
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