Drake Plastics has once again increased the size availability of extruded Torlon shapes for machined parts by completing an order for 10 inch diameter rod for support of a major aerospace customer. Prior to this development the largest size was 7.625 inch diameter rod which was introduced by Drake in 2015. Weighing in at over 210 pounds (95 Kg) per 48” length, the 10 inch/ 255 mm diameter Torlon 4203 rod again expands the opportunity for design engineers to specify machined Torlon parts for their most demanding applications according to Steve Quance.
Always driven by customer needs, Drake made this shape to “lean out” production of parts that were being machined from 1.25”x 12” wide Torlon plate. The material savings approaches 50% with the added benefit of reduced machining time enabled by turning blanks rather than milling them. This larger diameter rod will enable Torlon to serve new applications in aerospace and other industries.
It is offered in inch increments and is available for sale by contacting our Sales Service group cs@drakeplastics.com or at our online store at https://store.drakeplastics.com/

10 inch Dia Torlon 4203

Weighs 210 lbs (95 Kg)

Great results Frank!