Vespel® SCP-5000 is a next-generation unfilled polyimide (PI) that offers a significant step up in mechanical properties and thermal stability over traditional Vespel PI grades. In general terms, it offers the best overall performance at the highest temperature extremes for the longest periods.

Vespel® SCP-5000 Properties Profile

The development of Vespel® SCP-5000 gives engineers a polyimide with improved performance over traditional grades of Vespel® PI in several areas. A key benefit is its increase in thermal oxidative stability. For example, tests conducted by DuPontTM  under pressurized oxygen-rich conditions at very high temperatures demonstrated that parts made from their Vespel® SCP-5000 exhibited 87% less weight loss than traditional SP grades. The Vespel® PI producer’s testing also demonstrates that the SCP-5000 grade retains a high level of its strength in the 370 °C to 430 °C range, well above the capabilities of traditional polyimides.

Drake offers Vespel® SCP-5000 precision-machined components and machinable shapes for critical service applications.

Vespel® SCP-5000 Availability

Drake offers the full range of Vespel® SCP-5000 shapes and sizes.

Vespel® SCP-5000 also has more structural strength than Vespel® SP grades over a broader temperature range. At 260 °C, its flexural modulus is nearly 20% higher than that of Vespel® SP-21, and more than double that of the SP-1 grade.

Other attributes of the advanced SCP-5000 polymer include its property retention at cryogenic conditions, dimensional stability over wider temperature range, high purity, electrical and thermal insulation and isolation, improved tolerance to chemicals, and its resistance to friction and wear.

Vespel® SCP-5000 Typical Applications

The performance enhancements available with Vespel® SCP-5000 over traditional grades extend the scope of applications in industries that already recognize polyimide for its dependable properties. Typical uses of the advanced polyimide polymer include:  

  • Aircraft engine parts
  • Aircraft mechanical components
  • High temperature seals
  • Semiconductor process equipment

Vespel® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company

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