DRAKE 4435 PAI: Previously available as Torlon® 4435 PAI

Exceptional Wear Resistance in Non-lubricated High PV Applications

A high-performance bearing and wear-resistant material, Drake 4435 PAI offers comparable performance and quality in machinable shapes, injection molded components and machined parts as those that had been produced by Drake from Torlon® 4435 PAI.

Previously supplied by Syensqo (Solvay), Torlon® 4435 served niche markets with modest production volumes. Syensqo’s decision to discontinue the resin included a plan to maintain its availability for legacy and new customers. Working collaboratively, Syensqo provided Torlon PAI resin powders to Drake Plastics to compound the 4435 grade and continue its supply as Drake 4435 PAI in machinable stock shapes and injection molded parts.

Specifications –

ASTM 5204 PA0220R35

ASTM D7292 PA10120

Drake 4435 PAI has the same composition in the same ratios as Syensqo’s prior Torlon 4435 grade. It is made and sold with the same certification of compliance as Torlon 4435, with Drake Plastics issuing the COC.  The Syensqo-Drake collaboration enables the ongoing and economical availability of shapes and parts comparable to Torlon 4435 PAI on performance and quality.

Drake’s investment in the technology to compound Drake 4435 PAI gives customers continued access to a bearing and wear-resistant material for shapes and parts comparable to Torlon 4435 PAI, a Torlon grade for extrusion and injection molding that was discontinued by Syensqo (Solvay), the resin supplier.

Key Properties of Bearing and Wear Resistant Drake 4435 PAI (polyamide-imide)

The graphite carbon fiber reinforcement and three different lubricants in the formulation of Drake 4435 PAI impart several exceptional performance benefits. It exhibits very low wear in non-lubricated applications particularly in components exposed to high pressure and velocity conditions. This makes it well-suited to applications where lubrication is impractical or impossible. It also provides a safety margin for critical components in lubricated systems, should lubrication fail to occur. Its enhanced bearing and wear resistance have led to its use in sliding applications under high dynamic load.

Drake 4435 also features high flexural modulus and compressive strength from cryogenic to elevated temperatures. These properties make it a good choice for load-bearing applications in spacecraft and other types of equipment exposed to high and low temperature extremes. With the lowest coefficient of linear thermal expansion of any wear resistant grade of Torlon or Drake PAI, Drake 4435 PAI also enhances the dimensional stability of critical components exposed to extreme and rapid temperature fluctuations.  

The electrically dissipative properties of Drake 4435 PAI also are benefit for applications requiring anti-static properties.

Typical Applications for Drake 4435 PAI Include:

  • Unlubricated bearing and wear components
    • Sliding vanes
    • Thrust washers, seal rings
    • Bushings and bearings
    • Clutch rollers
    • Pistons

Drake 4435 PAI Certifications and Traceability

Drake provides no-charge certifications and lot traceability on each shipment of Drake 4435 PAI shapes and machined and injection molded parts. Please contact us for further information.

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